What is Eco-design?
Definition of Eco-design
The U.N. Environment Programme defines eco-design as:
“The integration of environmental aspects into the product development process, by balancing ecological and economic requirements. Eco-design considers environmental aspects at all stages of the product development process, striving for products which make the lowest possible environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.”
Y.G. Packaging Solutions is the first service to apply an eco-design approach to distribution packaging products. We specialize in the environmental optimization of both one-way and returnable distribution packaging systems using a systems based design philosophy.
Eco-design and the waste management hierarchy
In environmental management and policy, waste management is organized into a hierarchy of strategies. Those strategies which preserve the greatest resource value are preferred over those which fail to preserve a product’s resource value.

Waste management can also be conceptualized in the framework of circular economy. The figure below shows an organization of waste management strategies by level circularity. Strategies toward the top are preferred, while strategies toward the bottom should be used only when necessary.

Eco-design is a practice that supports highly circular waste management strategies: Rethink, Reduce, and Reuse. Eco-designed products are designed to have minimal resource impacts per use.
Eco-design in the packaging industry
A recent survey of American wood pallet businesses found that only one in eight producers considers environmental impacts as part of their design process. Packaging producers may lack the resources or the incentive to practice eco-design on behalf of their customers.
Y.G. Packaging Solutions uses eco-design to mediate relationships between packaging producers and consumers. We empower packaging users to implement more sustainable packaging systems in their operations.
Next steps
The next article in this series will provide basic information about distribution packaging and unit load basics.